Saturday, September 13, 2008

TE NEEDS HELP with the Center for Transformation Education

CENTER FOR TRANSFORMATION EDUCATION (TE) a place …to empower educators and Christian workers to create a society that transforms toward God’s good, pleasing and perfect will.

Rational for the Center of TE :

  • Christian workers need Biblical resource access to help them teach the truth verses the many rampant heresies
  • Educators need resources. There are not enough to give to everyone but they can come together to share and borrow. (books, teaching aids)
  • We need a stationary, accessible training/workroom space (save on transporting workshop items from school to school.)
  • Educators and Pastors have the desire but not the computer training which would help them in their ministry. (publishing, book keeping, networking)
  • TE staff needs office space: Currently 4 TE staff are sharing one desk and 3 chairs in an overcrowded office, not enough room for a container full of computers, photo copy machine and books.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6,7

Center for Transformation Education Thanksgivings!!

  • Staff united with same vision and desire
  • Sierra Leone Educators and Christian workers are doing what they can to help the center to become reality (search for office space, advising)
  • Church family and friends who have spent hours gathering, sorting and boxing the items that were sent. (Smith’s for storage space and coordinating packing efforts, First Christian Church members)
  • Money for shipping raised by the TE Front Line team in Meadville with many contributors and EduNations strong support.
  • Donated items given by many churches, schools and individuals in the US (computers, printers, books, photo copy machines, generators, chairs, file cabinets, clothes that cushion the computers, cell phones, videos and various teaching aids)
  • Container Shipped: September 12th thanks to Smith’s and EduNations coordination

YOU CAN HELP the needs are.

Donations will provide: Minimum (min.) figures

Rent a learning center space…………………………………..$5,000 min. / year

Furniture (computer tables, chairs, bookshelves, desks)…….. $2,000 min. start up

Staff Salaries

(qualified computer technician, librarian and manager)…….. .$1,800/month. Min.

Day to day operations

(water, electricity, generator, cleaning…)…………………… $500/month Min.